[[{“value”:”1. Long paper on how the grid is regulated, co-authored by an uncle of Matt Yglesias. 2. Sam Altman on Lex, transcript (it’s happening). They will be doing amazing things over the course of 2024 (and beyond). And a ChatGPT billing joke. 3. Are college extracurriculars replacing studying and reading? 4. Toyota building a smart
The post Tuesday assorted links appeared first on Marginal REVOLUTION.”}]]
1. Long paper on how the grid is regulated, co-authored by an uncle of Matt Yglesias.
2. Sam Altman on Lex, transcript (it’s happening). They will be doing amazing things over the course of 2024 (and beyond). And a ChatGPT billing joke.
3. Are college extracurriculars replacing studying and reading?
4. Toyota building a smart city.
6. How to run a CIA base in Afghanistan.
7. Python farming as a flexible and efficient form of agricultural food security.
The post Tuesday assorted links appeared first on Marginal REVOLUTION.
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