Tuesday assorted links

 [[{“value”:”1. Over 2015-2021, the number of Chinese workers in Africa fell by 64 percent (note the link has too many pop-ups, click only if you have to). 2. Seasonal pollen boosts traffic fatalities. 3. Golden Mall reopens in Flushing, Queens (NYT). 4. Katja Grace and AI worries (New Yorker).  And a general update on the
The post Tuesday assorted links appeared first on Marginal REVOLUTION.”}]] 

1. Over 2015-2021, the number of Chinese workers in Africa fell by 64 percent (note the link has too many pop-ups, click only if you have to).

2. Seasonal pollen boosts traffic fatalities.

3. Golden Mall reopens in Flushing, Queens (NYT).

4. Katja Grace and AI worries (New Yorker).  And a general update on the AI worries.

5. Henry Oliver on James Joyce.

6. A post-mortem on neoreaction.

7. The Alliance for the Future Manifesto, on AI, by Brian Chau.

The post Tuesday assorted links appeared first on Marginal REVOLUTION.



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