Tuesday assorted links

 [[{“value”:”1. Museum Selfie-Takers Are Causing Damage by Backing Into Artworks. 2. New Zealand is now falling behind much of Eastern Europe. 3. Dan Schulz reading list. 4. More coverage of Bukele.  Good piece. 5. How religious is Iran these days? 6. Paul Bloom on how to be a good podcast guest. 7. Peter Thiel talk
The post Tuesday assorted links appeared first on Marginal REVOLUTION.”}]] 

1. Museum Selfie-Takers Are Causing Damage by Backing Into Artworks.

2. New Zealand is now falling behind much of Eastern Europe.

3. Dan Schulz reading list.

4. More coverage of Bukele.  Good piece.

5. How religious is Iran these days?

6. Paul Bloom on how to be a good podcast guest.

7. Peter Thiel talk at Harvard.

The post Tuesday assorted links appeared first on Marginal REVOLUTION.



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