What should I ask Chris Arnade?

 [[{“value”:”From Wikipedia: Chris Arnade…is an American photographer and writer. He worked for 20 years as a bond trader on Wall Street; in 2011, he started documenting the lives of poor people and their drug addictions and commenting on the state of the society of the United States. He did this through photographs posted on social media and articles in various media…
The post What should I ask Chris Arnade? appeared first on Marginal REVOLUTION.”}]] 

From Wikipedia:

Chris Arnade…is an American photographer and writer. He worked for 20 years as a bond trader on Wall Street; in 2011, he started documenting the lives of poor people and their drug addictions and commenting on the state of the society of the United States. He did this through photographs posted on social media and articles in various media…

Here is Chris’s Substack, here is Chris on Twitter.  So what should I ask him?

The post What should I ask Chris Arnade? appeared first on Marginal REVOLUTION.

 Current Affairs, Education, Philosophy, Travel, Uncategorized 


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