Ross Marchand on postal service privatization (from my email)

 [[{“value”:”I really enjoyed your piece on USPS privatization. I recently wrote about the subject too. Even in the absence of privatization, relaxing the mail monopoly and allowing competition would make for better, more reliable mail services. This is true even in countries with a “national champion”-style carrier subject to a universal service obligation. It appears that, over
The post Ross Marchand on postal service privatization (from my email) appeared first on Marginal REVOLUTION.”}]] 

I really enjoyed your piece on USPS privatization. I recently wrote about the subject too. Even in the absence of privatization, relaxing the mail monopoly and allowing competition would make for better, more reliable mail services. This is true even in countries with a “national champion”-style carrier subject to a universal service obligation.

It appears that, over the long-run, nations such as Germany and the U.K. that relax their monopolies eventually come around to (at least considering) ending their universal service obligations. The advantage of the “end the monopoly first” approach is it allows countries to experiment with greater competition in a less risky and threatening manner than whole immediate privatization.

The post Ross Marchand on postal service privatization (from my email) appeared first on Marginal REVOLUTION.

 Economics, Law, Uncategorized 


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