Facts about U.S. employment

 [[{“value”:”First, the labor market is no longer polarizing— employment in low- and middle-paid occupations has declined, while highly paid employment has grown. Second, employment growth has stalled in low-paid service jobs. Third, the share of employment in STEM jobs has increased by more than 50 percent since 2010, fueled by growth in software and computer-related
The post Facts about U.S. employment appeared first on Marginal REVOLUTION.”}]] 

First, the labor market is no longer polarizing— employment in low- and middle-paid occupations has declined, while highly paid employment has grown. Second, employment growth has stalled in low-paid service jobs. Third, the share of employment in STEM jobs has increased by more than 50 percent since 2010, fueled by growth in software and computer-related occupations. Fourth, retail sales employment has declined by 25 percent in the last decade, likely because of technological improvements in online retail.

That is from a recent NBER working paper by David J. Deming, Christopher Ong, and Lawrence M. Summers.

The post Facts about U.S. employment appeared first on Marginal REVOLUTION.

 Data Source, Economics, Uncategorized 


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