[[{“value”:”Perhaps you have noticed that India and Indians are receiving far more abuse on social media, most of all on X (Twitter). This was spurred by a number of recent debates in the Republican Party. All of a sudden, a new target was generated. Of course this is highly unfortunate and should be condemned. Nonetheless
The post India is having its moment appeared first on Marginal REVOLUTION.”}]]
Perhaps you have noticed that India and Indians are receiving far more abuse on social media, most of all on X (Twitter). This was spurred by a number of recent debates in the Republican Party. All of a sudden, a new target was generated.
Of course this is highly unfortunate and should be condemned. Nonetheless there is a silver lining to this cloud. America as a whole has woken up to the fact that India, and Indians, are a big, big deal. Duh!
And when everyone wakes up and pays attention, a lot of abuse follows. I believe we will look back and see this last week as a watershed moment in how America thinks about India and Indians. Mostly for the better (I hope), even if it doesn’t always feel that way at the moment. Many of us will slowly start to have real opinions about these matters.
I should add that for the Republican Party there is a lot at stake. Individuals of Indian origin are a prime source of talent for the party, both today and looking forward. But how welcome will they feel? That is very much a story in the works.
The post India is having its moment appeared first on Marginal REVOLUTION.
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