[[{“value”:”By A.N. Wilson, an excellent book and worthy of being addended to the year’s best non-fiction list. In addition to appreciating the work of Goethe, which one can never do enough of, Wilson argues (with reasonable evidence) that Goethe was bisexual, including with Jacobi (!). Goethe also had, at the very least, alcoholic tendencies, at
The post *Goethe: A Faustian Life* appeared first on Marginal REVOLUTION.”}]]
By A.N. Wilson, an excellent book and worthy of being addended to the year’s best non-fiction list. In addition to appreciating the work of Goethe, which one can never do enough of, Wilson argues (with reasonable evidence) that Goethe was bisexual, including with Jacobi (!). Goethe also had, at the very least, alcoholic tendencies, at times drinking three bottles a day for extended periods of time.
Of course there are the extensive Nicholas Boyle volumes (in the works) as well, fortunately you do not have to choose. Recommended, noting that many of Goethe’s best works make sense only in German. Here is a Henry Oliver podcast with Wilson.
The post *Goethe: A Faustian Life* appeared first on Marginal REVOLUTION.
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