[[{“value”:”1. On taste. 2. The dangers of mirrored life? Eli Dourado is not so worried. 3. How are things going with Fermat’s Last Theorem? And are we documenting mathematics properly? 4. Claims made by some Syrians about free enterprise (speculative). 5. What is the evidence on the five-second rule? 6. Where will the Trump crowd
The post Saturday assorted links appeared first on Marginal REVOLUTION.”}]]
1. On taste.
2. The dangers of mirrored life? Eli Dourado is not so worried.
3. How are things going with Fermat’s Last Theorem? And are we documenting mathematics properly?
4. Claims made by some Syrians about free enterprise (speculative).
5. What is the evidence on the five-second rule?
6. Where will the Trump crowd go eat in DC?
7. Civitas Outlook, a new publication from UT Austin and the Civitas Institute.
8. Toward a measure of anecdotal value.
9. Dylan Field: “Still doing evals but feels like AGI is basically here with o1 pro mode”
10. Why gymnasts are hard for AI video to capture.
11. An overly speculative drone hypothesis.
The post Saturday assorted links appeared first on Marginal REVOLUTION.
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