*Vita Nuova*, und *Herzzeit*

 [[{“value”:”There is a new translation by Joseph Luzzi, and I find it an order of magnitude better than the older treatments.  It somehow communicates the strangeness of this work in a new and unprecedented way.  You can order it here. I also very much enjoyed my read through the letters of Paul Celan and Ingeborg
The post *Vita Nuova*, und *Herzzeit* appeared first on Marginal REVOLUTION.”}]] 

There is a new translation by Joseph Luzzi, and I find it an order of magnitude better than the older treatments.  It somehow communicates the strangeness of this work in a new and unprecedented way.  You can order it here.

I also very much enjoyed my read through the letters of Paul Celan and Ingeborg Bachmann.  You can feel all the different stages of their relationship, without even necessarily knowing how the story develops.  Max Frisch and Nelly Sachs make cameo appearances.  The highlight perhaps is when she writes him a lengthy letter about how he is the one who is actually complicated and unhappy (and not she), and then decides not to send it.

I also enjoyed this part:

Lieber Paul,

nach allem, was geschehen ist, glabue ich, dass es für mich uns kein Weiter mehr gibt. Es ist mir nicht mehr möglich.

Es fällt mir sehr schwer, das zu sagen.

Ich wünsche Dir alles Gute.


It was not the end of their correspondence.

The post *Vita Nuova*, und *Herzzeit* appeared first on Marginal REVOLUTION.

 Books, Uncategorized 


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