[[{“value”:”1. Ross Douthat on late term abortion (NYT). 2. That’s a lot of AI subscriptions. Somehow I found that link hilarous. 3. Centre Pompidou outpost in…New Jersey? 4. Poland to suspend asylum rights temporarily. 5. Michael Pettis profile (WSJ…p.s. prices are flexible in the medium-term). 6. Another case of qualified scientists getting actual public policy
The post Saturday assorted links appeared first on Marginal REVOLUTION.”}]]
1. Ross Douthat on late term abortion (NYT).
2. That’s a lot of AI subscriptions. Somehow I found that link hilarous.
3. Centre Pompidou outpost in…New Jersey?
4. Poland to suspend asylum rights temporarily.
5. Michael Pettis profile (WSJ…p.s. prices are flexible in the medium-term).
The post Saturday assorted links appeared first on Marginal REVOLUTION.
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