[[{“value”:”In no other OECD country do workers spend less time on the job. With labour input shrinking by some 1 per cent a year, labour productivity would need to rise by an equal amount for the economy to stand still. Unfortunately, productivity increases per hour worked have stood well below 1 per cent in recent
The post Germany analysis of the day appeared first on Marginal REVOLUTION.”}]]
In no other OECD country do workers spend less time on the job. With labour input shrinking by some 1 per cent a year, labour productivity would need to rise by an equal amount for the economy to stand still. Unfortunately, productivity increases per hour worked have stood well below 1 per cent in recent years. The country’s fundamental speed limit for growth may lie below zero.
That is from Moritz Kraemer in the FT.
The post Germany analysis of the day appeared first on Marginal REVOLUTION.
Current Affairs, Economics
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