[[{“value”:”By Anil Ananthaswamy, an excellent book, it will make the end of year best non-fiction list. It focuses on machine learning and its offshoots, and you can read it for the story even if you don’t followall of the matrix algebra and the calculus. It is also the best book I know on how science
The post *Why Machines Learn: The Elegant Math Behind Modern AI* appeared first on Marginal REVOLUTION.”}]]
By Anil Ananthaswamy, an excellent book, it will make the end of year best non-fiction list. It focuses on machine learning and its offshoots, and you can read it for the story even if you don’t followall of the matrix algebra and the calculus. It is also the best book I know on how science advances by laying different “bricks,” and later bringing them all together toward a practicable solution. Recommended.
The post *Why Machines Learn: The Elegant Math Behind Modern AI* appeared first on Marginal REVOLUTION.
Books, Uncategorized, Web/Tech
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