Tuesday assorted links

 [[{“value”:”1. Religious membership aided post-hurricane recovery growth. 2. Anna Gát Hope Axis podcast with Noah Smith. 3. Peter Gray on social media and depression. 4. Intellectual courage as the scarcest resource. 5. Richard Ngo on counterproductive activism. 6. Is the happiness of the interviewer contagious? 7. Zvi on the Hanson-Alexander health care debate.
The post Tuesday assorted links appeared first on Marginal REVOLUTION.”}]] 

1. Religious membership aided post-hurricane recovery growth.

2. Anna Gát Hope Axis podcast with Noah Smith.

3. Peter Gray on social media and depression.

4. Intellectual courage as the scarcest resource.

5. Richard Ngo on counterproductive activism.

6. Is the happiness of the interviewer contagious?

7. Zvi on the Hanson-Alexander health care debate.

The post Tuesday assorted links appeared first on Marginal REVOLUTION.



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