Saturday assorted links

 [[{“value”:”1. Zvi annotates the CWT with Jon Haidt. 2. How is bird flu spreading in cows? 3. Not sure I believe in these kinds of correlations, but here are some results suggesting that automation leads to less religion. 4. Claims about GPTs.  Complicated but interesting. 5. Ezra Klein and Nilay Patel on AI and the
The post Saturday assorted links appeared first on Marginal REVOLUTION.”}]] 

1. Zvi annotates the CWT with Jon Haidt.

2. How is bird flu spreading in cows?

3. Not sure I believe in these kinds of correlations, but here are some results suggesting that automation leads to less religion.

4. Claims about GPTs.  Complicated but interesting.

5. Ezra Klein and Nilay Patel on AI and the future of media and the internet (NYT).


7. Janan Ganesh on peace and technological stagnation (FT).

The post Saturday assorted links appeared first on Marginal REVOLUTION.



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