Jon Hartley podcast episode with Steve Levitt

 [[{“value”:”Steve Levitt anecdote: economics has found its Bill Laimbeer.  Other excellent anecdotes in the thread.  And Levitt on publishing and academia, recommended.  This superb podcast episode is a real coup for Jon Hartley, transcript also at the link.  File under “too good to excerpt,” this is quite simply one of the best podcasts ever.
The post Jon Hartley podcast episode with Steve Levitt appeared first on Marginal REVOLUTION.”}]] 

Steve Levitt anecdote: economics has found its Bill Laimbeer.  Other excellent anecdotes in the thread.  And Levitt on publishing and academia, recommended.  This superb podcast episode is a real coup for Jon Hartley, transcript also at the link.  File under “too good to excerpt,” this is quite simply one of the best podcasts ever.

The post Jon Hartley podcast episode with Steve Levitt appeared first on Marginal REVOLUTION.



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