Friday assorted links

 [[{“value”:”1. Matt Lakeman on El Salvador, recommended. 2. Paxlovid not having a positive impact for the healthy and already-vaccinated. 3. Under what conditions will every Japanese person be named Sato by 2531? 4. Is “dark energy” weakening? And more from the NYT. 5. The Economist seeks a new economics writer. 6. How to lead coordinated
The post Friday assorted links appeared first on Marginal REVOLUTION.”}]] 

1. Matt Lakeman on El Salvador, recommended.

2. Paxlovid not having a positive impact for the healthy and already-vaccinated.

3. Under what conditions will every Japanese person be named Sato by 2531?

4. Is “dark energy” weakening? And more from the NYT.

5. The Economist seeks a new economics writer.

6. How to lead coordinated research programs.  A  playbook.

7. A relatively positive view on how lenders are viewing Africa these days.

The post Friday assorted links appeared first on Marginal REVOLUTION.



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