South Dakota is trying to hold on

 Map of the TFRs by US state for 2023, based on recently released birth data from January-September 2023. The TFR declined to around 1.62 kids per woman last year, but there are important regional differences. Values range from 1.99 in South Dakota to 1.19 in Washington DC. — Birth Gauge (@BirthGauge) January 22, 2024
The post South Dakota is trying to hold on appeared first on Marginal REVOLUTION. 

Map of the TFRs by US state for 2023, based on recently released birth data from January-September 2023. The TFR declined to around 1.62 kids per woman last year, but there are important regional differences. Values range from 1.99 in South Dakota to 1.19 in Washington DC.

— Birth Gauge (@BirthGauge) January 22, 2024

Bihar is holding on:

The post South Dakota is trying to hold on appeared first on Marginal REVOLUTION.

 Current Affairs, Data Source 


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